Saturday, December 22, 2012

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Younghusband led the eight heavy artillery also arrived at the is rather Monastery frontline., After some adjustments, two Sikh group as the main force behind two Gurkha regiment as a follow-up to the deployment of troops forming a!
The new army to launch a general offensive chance came!
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Supervision and also how now? Wolf off sheepskin this trend continues, under the brothers must rebel friends! Playing his mother! Playing it! mastered the man firepower of artillery and military advantage, scored on three of the Highlands in the canyon mouth completely no problem Highlands hand, the situation of the war to start one-sided! British troops gathered in the canyon only to become light machine guns to clear the way commando target, grenade under the spirits of the dead
trip swallowed Zedeng where the pressure will be doubled, if the network at the end a leak, want to catch the British army's plan will fall through. timing! winner of the time to master the timing of a good start!
Ann stop wondering sporadic gunfire coming from front did not affect his thinking a brigade and brigade troops battalion, even alternating shock tactics as a unit, what vulnerabilities it? artillery fire preparation time , step artillery attack Heights coordination, emergency move on to the three highlands of horses and mules, human
1200 over 2000 horse team stopped down, not ice and snow peaks. South quick Column is in a small valley, the warmth of the sun to the chill of the officers and men who driven erased, one night plus rest time in the morning, have adjusted to the south of the state of the columns.
Behind this ridge is Parry were! patrols, but few in number, two hours after just over 70 packhorse number of patrol should be class size Parry were the most important places were government Heights here! inaccurate map in this caravan artillery and reconnaissance team estimated were government Heights radius of 4

Monday, December 10, 2012

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Monday, December 3, 2012

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Wei Qi then jumped to the side of the lens at the training ground.
Our crew arrived at half past nine here, to do the preparatory work before the shooting, but did not expect the accident to see this scene now half past nine, just after the team's training began at ten o'clock, but, you audience you see? Advancing lens, the two facial close-up of the real M1b and nfl lens camera then pulled out the middle ground, training ground three who was wearing a track suit Volendam is warming up.
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